How to clean a washing machine

In the world of home appliance maintenance and repair, there is no greater rhetorical question than “does a washing machine need to be washed?”  This article will show you that the answering is a resounding “yes!”

Many homeowners do not understand that washing machines can harbor a lot of odor-causing bacteria even though they regularly have soap and water sloshing through them. Ironically, washing clothes in a washing machine that hasn’t been cleaned can actually leave them in worse condition than before. If you have noticed odors or performance issues with your washing machine, or simply haven’t paid this crucial appliance much attention lately, read on to discover how to clean a washing machine, as well as tips for keeping it cleaner for longer.

Clean the lint trap

No, you didn’t read that wrong. Although lint traps are commonly associated with clothes dryers, the reality is that washing machines also have a lint trap of their own. Unlike dryers, however, the lint that collects in washing machine lint traps is wet and therefore prone to bacterial and fungal growth.

The location of a washing machine’s lint trap can vary by make and model, so it is a good idea to check your appliance’s user manual. After you locate the lint trap, make a point to do a weekly clean of this critical component.

Clean the gasket

The gasket of a washing machine is made of rubber, and its job is to seal the door airtight so that moisture stays in. For this very reason, water is prone to getting trapped in the gasket, making it an ideal space for odor-causing bacteria to flourish.

To clean this component, mix a 1:1 solution of white vinegar and warm water and wipe around the gasket with a cloth rag.  Make sure to be gentle, as you want to ensure the gasket is adequately cleaned without damaging or weakening the component.

Perform a cleaning cycle

There are many commercially available cleaners designed specifically for cleaning washing machines. However, consumers should be aware of the harsh chemicals that comprise some of these cleaning agents. For those with sensitive skin, residue from these chemically manufactured cleaning agents can make their way onto clothes, causing skin irritation and discomfort.

For these reasons, opt for an all-natural alternative. Many products on the market today use citric acid, a natural acid found in many citrus fruits, to clean and deodorize their appliances naturally. This may come as a surprise, but many homeowners have used the popular drink mix Tang (which is composed predominantly of citric acid) to clean their washing machine and leave it with an orange smelling afterglow.

Methods of prevention

All of the aforementioned steps show homeowners ways to clean their washing machine after it is already in need of a thorough cleaning. However, there are preventative methods that homeowners can take to help elongate the time between cleanings.

First, consider using less detergent. Many high-efficiency washing machine models use less water and energy to clean a load of clothes. What users may not know is that these high-efficiency units, as well as many units of moderate efficiency, require much less laundry detergent than they think. Much like washing machine lint traps and cleaning agents, excess laundry detergent that isn’t fully incorporated into a load can leave a residue that quickly turns odorous with bacteria.

Another easy method of prevention when it comes to washing machine odors is to keep the door open in between washing cycles.  Keeping the door open allows any water droplets left over from a previous load to evaporate out of the unit, reducing the opportunities for mold to develop inside. If your home has pets or small children that enjoy swatting the door closed, there are mechanisms out there that function as doorstops, keeping the door open no matter the circumstance. Wiping down the inside drum of the unit with a rag or paper towel after completing a wash cycle can help speed up the drying process.

Like many other appliances around the home, a little bit of attention and maintenance can go a long way in terms of preventing larger issues down the road. If you are concerned that your washing machine isn’t as clean as it should be, the action steps covered in this article should give you the peace of mind that you deserve.

Here at Diamond Appliance, we provide expert washing machine repair to appliance owners in Kansas City, Independence, St. Louis, and surrounding communities. We provide Maytag washing machine repair, Estate washing machine repair, Whirlpool washing machine repair, and more. Give us a call to schedule a service call today.